Tuesday, May 17, 2005


One of the letters to the editor in response to Kristof's column about Bishop Spong's book offering a liberal (i.e., compassionate) interpretation of the Bible:
Nicholas D. Kristof must have a different version of the Bible than I do. Mine calls for individual responsibility and action, not for a government to take money from people who produce and distribute it to others to make liberals feel good about themselves.
*splutter incoherently*

*use sextant and compass to re-acquire fix on location of reality*

Hello??? Charity? Do unto others? As you do unto the least of these, so you do unto me? The meek shall inherit the earth?

Driftglass was right - they really *are* using a completely different version of the Bible from everyone else. I think the moneychangers in the temple may have written it, actually...


oldwhitelady said...

Maybe, their bibles were stolen. They have to go by memory. Their memories aren't very good.

Eli said...

Mad Christ Disease will do that to ya.